Press - press release


ARLBERG Giro 2024 (cancelled)


Dear cycling and Arlberg Giro friends,


as you already know, the registration for the Arlberg Giro 2024 has not yet been opened due to pending official decisions because of the renewed temporary closure of the Arlberg tunnel in summer 2024. We now definitely know that one of the most important events in St. Anton am Arlberg cannot take place next summer. Our hearts are attached to "OUR" Arlberg Giro and to all of you who make this race so special. However, despite tireless efforts, countless discussions involving the responsible traffic departments of the provinces of Vorarlberg and Tyrol and a wide variety of proposed solutions, we have been unable to obtain a positive statement and approval from the Bludenz police department and the traffic department of the province of Vorarlberg. The sole reason for this is the renewed temporary closure of the Arlberg Tunnel in 2024 and the resulting safety concerns on the Vorarlberg side.


We are very disappointed, but we are already looking positively and optimistically to the future. We have already been assured that the application to hold the Arlberg Giro 2025 will be treated favorably by the authorities. Please make a note of the upcoming date from August 1 to 3, 2025, when it's time to pedal and give everything again in St. Anton am Arlberg.

We would like to apologize to you for any inconvenience and hope for your support and loyalty so that we can once again celebrate a great cycling festival and our unique cycling community at the Arlberg Giro in 2025.


With sporting greetings

Your Arlberg Giro Team

Press contact

Yannick Rumler
Dorfstraße 8
A-6580 St. Anton am Arlberg
Tel.: +43 5446 2269-29
